Los Angeles Convention Center – South Halls
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Entry Fee: Early $50.00 (by 10 /31/2022); and late entry $75 payable with entry form at: https://www.oddehaugen.com/2023-odd-haugen-strength-classic-la-fitexpo-registration/
Hotel Information:
Saturday January 14,2023
4PM –5 PM Weigh-in and check in Armlifting
Sunday January 15, 2023
8:30AM – Late weigh-in and check in Armlifting
9:30AM – Rules Meeting: Athletes and officials
10:00AM – Double Overhand Apollon’s Axle™ Deadlift
The athletes will each attempt to deadlift the IronMind Apollon’s Axle™ loaded with standard plates, starting weight will be appropriate for weight division and increasing in no less than 5kg/10kg0 increments (each athlete has maximum of 4 attempts) till there is ONE MAN STANDING in each weight division. Time starts when Axle is loaded, and athletes have 60 seconds to commence and complete the lift, multiple attempts allowed within time limit. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Athletes must grip axle with knuckles on both facing away from body (double overhand grip). Thumb less or locked thumb grip not allowed. Otherwise, standard power lifting rules (including Sumo style) apply; resting Axle on the thighs or any downward movement will NOT be allowed. Athletes must await referee’s down signal before returning the Axle back to the platform all the while maintaining the grip/contact with Axle. This discipline counts towards overall score as well as All-American Armlifting Championship and Armlifting USA Leaderboard
Two platforms/implements used: one with starting weight 40kg and increase increments of 5kg; and one with starting weight 100kg and increase increments of 10kg. You may choose smaller increment in one attempt but that will be your last attempt!
Armlifting USA Leaderboard https://armliftingusa.com/doh-apollons-axle
11:30AM – Rolling Thunder® One-Arm Deadlift
The athletes will each attempt to dead lift with one hand the IronMind Rolling Thunder®. Each athlete having maximum 4 attempts. Time starts when the implement is loaded, and athletes have 60 seconds to commence and complete the lift, and may attempt the lift multiple times within the 60 second time limit. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Athlete can use either hand and must grip the center of handle. Thumb less or locked thumb grip not allowed. Athletes must await referee’s down signal before returning the implements back to the platform all the while maintaining the grip/contact with implements. Highest weight lifted wins.
Two platforms/implements used: one with starting weight 15kg and increase increments of 2.5kg; and one with starting weight 50kg and increase increments of 5kg. You may choose smaller increment in one attempt but that will be your last attempt!
Armlifting USA Leaderboard https://armliftingusa.com/rolling-thunder
12:30PM – Saxon Bar Deadlift (Armlifting ONLY)
The athletes will each attempt to deadlift with two hands the Sorinex Saxon Bar, in Rising Bar Format, each athlete having maximum 4 attempts. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Thumb less or locked thumb grip not allowed. Athletes must await referee’s down signal before returning the implement back to the platform all the while maintaining the grip/contact with implement
Two platforms/implements used: one with starting weight 25kg and increase increments of 2.5kg; and one with starting weight 60kg and increase increments of 5kg. You may choose smallek gr increment in one attempt but that is will be your last attempt!
Armlifting USA Leaderboard https://armliftingusa.com/3%22-sorinex-saxon-bar
3:30PM –Award Ceremony
Disciplines, their order and rules are subject to refinement and change without notice.