The 2020 Visegrip Viking All-American Armlifting and Absolute World Championship
Los Angeles, California
JANUARY 25, 2020
12:30PM – Absolute World Championship in Rolling Thunder Deadlift
JANUARY 26, 2020
SUNDAY: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Open to all American and International strongmen and grip specialists and part of the Odd Haugen Strength Classic. Armlifting USA memberships available athttps://armliftingusa.com/ We will feature World Record attempts in all 4 disciplines contested as well as Armlifting USA Leaderboard positions in all event. Each event will be contested in all weight categories:
Men: Lightweights 70kg/154lb; 80kg/176lb; Middleweights 90kg/198lb; 100kg/220lb; Heavyweights 110kg/242lb; 125kg/275lb; and 125kg/275lb plus. Men will also compete in Absolute World Championship in Rolling Thunder, Saxon Bar and in Double Overhand Apollon Axle Deadlift.
Women: Lightweight 60kg/132lb; Welterweight 70kg/154lb; Middleweight 80kg/176lb and Heavyweight 80kg/176lb plus
1st through 3rd Award Overall in each weight category
Absolute World Championship in IronMind Rolling Thunder Award/$Prize Money TBD.
Absolute World Championship in Ivanko DOH Axle Deadlift Award/$Prize Money TBD
Absolute World Championship in Sorinex Saxon Bar Deadlift Award/$Prize Money TBD
Entry Fee: Early $45.00 (by 10/31/2019); $60 (by 12/31/2019); and late entry $75 payable with entry form at: https://www.oddehaugen.com/2020-odd-haugen-strength-classic-the-la-fit-expo-registration-form/
ENTRY DEADLINE: December 31, 2019
Hotel Information: https://www.thefitexpo.com/TFELA_hotels.shtml
Ties will be broken by bodyweight (less weight scores higher). Overall Scoring: Percentage based scoring will be used. For example, if 100 kg wins the Rolling Thunder, that athlete will receive 100 points. If the second-place athlete lifts 90kg, they will receive 90 points. The winner is the athlete with the most points at the end of the contest. Should two athletes tie, the athlete with the lower body weight at the time of weigh ins will place higher.
Saturday January 25. 2020
12:30PM – Absolute World Championship in Rolling Thunder Deadlift
Starting weight will be 100kg/220lb increasing in no less than 2.5kg increments (each athlete has maximum of 4 attempts) till there is ONE MAN STANDING. Time starts when the implement is loaded and athlete’s name called, and athletes have 60 seconds to commence the lift, there is no limit to how many times the lifter may try to complete the lift. If lifter fails to complete a lift, the lifter has no further attempts. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Athlete can use either hand, and must grip the center of the Rolling Thunder handle. Thumb less or locked thumb grip not allowed. https://www.ironmind.com/certification/rolling-thunder/rules-and-world-records/. https://armliftingusa.com/
Award Ceremony immediately following the lifting.
5:00PM to 6:00 PM: Early weigh-in for All-American Armlifting
Sunday January 26, 2020
9:00AM – Rules Meeting: Athletes and officials
10:15AM IronMind Captains of Crush® Silver Bullet™ Hold (Armlifting Only)
The athlete will attempt to crush and then hold a 19mm CofC Silver Bullet™ between the handles of any Captains of Crush (CofC) Gripper and hold it until it falls out or the athlete’s hand opens. Athlete will have 60 seconds to choose the CofC gripper. Athlete’s hand must be vertical position (not supinated or pronated), in front of athlete’s body, and clear of athlete’s other hand. A 2.5kg weight (CofC Silver Bullet disc) will be attached to the CoC Silver Bullet and the best time with the highest number CofC gripper wins. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. https://www.ironmind.com/certification/coc-silver-bullet/rules-and-world-records/ . https://armliftingusa.com/
11:00AM – IVANKO Double Overhand Apollon’s Axle™ Deadlift (All American Strongman/Armlifting) including Absolute World Championship in DOH Axle Deadlift
The athletes will each attempt to deadlift the IronMind Apollon’s Axle™ loaded with standard plates, starting weight will be appropriate for weight division and increasing in no less than 5kg increments (each athlete has maximum of 4 attempts) till there is ONE MAN STANDING in each weight division. Time starts when Axle is loaded, and athletes have 60 seconds to commence the lift, multiple attempts allowed within time limit. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Athletes must grip axle with knuckles on both facing away from body (double overhand grip). Thumb less or locked thumb grip not allowed. Otherwise, standard power lifting rules (including Sumo style) apply; resting Axle on the thighs or any downward movement will NOT be allowed. Athletes must await referee’s down signal before returning the Axle back to the platform all the while maintaining the grip/contact with Axle. https://www.ironmind.com/certification/apollons-axle/rules-and-world-records/ This discipline counts towards overall score as well as All-American Armlifting Championship and Armlifting USA Leaderboard https://armliftingusa.com/
2:00PM – IronMind® Rolling Thunder One-Arm Deadlift (Armlifting Only LMS 4 attempts MAX) Starting weight will be appropriate for weight division and increasing in no less than 2.5kg increments (each athlete has maximum of 4 attempts) till there is ONE MAN STANDING in each weight division. Time starts when the implement is loaded and athlete’s name called, and athletes have 60 seconds to commence the lift, there is no limit to how many times the lifter may try to complete the lift. If lifter fails to complete a lift, the lifter has no further attempts. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Athlete can use either hand, and must grip the center of the Rolling Thunder handle. Thumb less or locked thumb grip not allowed. https://www.ironmind.com/certification/rolling-thunder/rules-and-world-records/. https://armliftingusa.com/
3:45PM – Sorinex® Saxon Bar Deadlift (Armlifting Only LMS 4 attempts MAX) including Absolute World Championship in Saxon Bar Deadlift
The athletes will each attempt to deadlift the Sorinex Saxon bar (3” wide rectangular tube) loaded with standard size plates. , Starting weight will be appropriate for weight division and increasing in no less than 5kg increments (each athlete has maximum of 4 attempts) till there is ONE MAN STANDING in each weight division. Time starts when the implement is loaded and athlete’s name called, and athletes have 60 seconds to commence the lift, and there is no limit on attempts within time limit. No grip aids other than chalk allowed. Athletes must grip bar with knuckles on both facing away from body (double overhand grip). Otherwise, standard power lifting rules (including Sumo style) apply; resting bar on the thighs or any downward movement will NOT be allowed. Athletes must await referee’s down signal before returning the BAR back to the platform all the while maintaining the grip/contact with BAR. NEW WORLD STANDARDS will be set in this Discipline. https://armliftingusa.com/
–4:30PM –Award Ceremony
Disciplines order and rules are subject to refinement and change without notice.