We paid out $8,100 in Prize Money in 2021 with sponsor support! The 2022 ARMLIFTING WORLD SUPER SERIES is going to be bigger and better, with two multi-venue STAGES and a live FINAL STAGE at the Joe Weider Mr. Olympia Performance Weekend in Las Vegas Nevada December 16-17, 2022. Prize Money yet to be determined.
EVENTS – All for max weight and percentage scored. Events are tentative and subject to change with notice.
Stage I -Multiple Venues in June 2022
2″ Country Crush® Raptor – One Hand Deadlift
Blue FatGripz DOH Deadlift
Grip Genie® Hilt One Hand Deadlift
Stage ll -Multiple Venues in August 2022
One Hand Blue FatGripz Deadlift
3″ x 4″ Saxon bar Deadlift
Freestyle Grip Genie® Hub One Hand Deadlift
Stage lll – Live FINAL STAGE at the Joe Weider Mr. Olympia Performance Weekend in Las Vegas Nevada December 16-17, 2022.
DOH Axle Deadlift
3″ Saxon Bar Deadlift
2″ Country Crush® – Two Hands Deadlift
COSTS: $50 per venue as a onetime sanction fee per venue host for Stage l and ll, Athletes pay $20 per each stage. Meet promoters can charge whatever they want to recoup the costs of promoting the contest. Athletes must be members of Armlifting USA and can sign up on for $20.00 for per year.
We offer the following weight classes:
Men: Lightweights 70kg/154lb; 80kg/176lb; Middleweights 90kg/198lb; 100kg/220lb; Heavyweights 110kg/242lb; 125kg/275lb; and 125kg/275lb plus
Women: Lightweight 60kg/132lb; Middleweights 70kg/154lb; 80kg/176lb and Heavyweight 80kg/176lb plus
Masters Men: 50plus
Masters Women: 40plus
Stage l: Any date in June 2022
Stage ll: Any date in August 2022
Promoters can hold a contest on any days in the windows listed above. All results would be emailed to to be compiled and they posted on the website when the Stage is over.
Multiple in US + International venues
FORMAT: Unlimited attempts (30 sec. time limit on each attempt) in a last man standing contest. If the athlete misses an attempt, he or she is done for that event.
SCORING: Places and scores will be percentage based. Stage l and Stage ll will be cumulative and medals will be issued for top 3 in each weight category. Top 10 men and women (Absolute/overall irrespective of weight category) will carry their scores forward to compete for the Prize Money and overall awards in the 2022 Armlifting World Super series FINAL. All other athletes will be invited to compete in the 2022 Olympia Armlifting Championships by weight class.
There would be three events each stage, plus additional events in Stages l and ll if the promoter wanted to run them. The top score could be 300 points if an athlete won every event in any one stage.
WEIGH-INS: The weigh-ins must be on the morning of the contest. Contest promoters are responsible for providing an accurate scale to conduct weigh-ins.
PRIZE MONEY: Top 10 men and women (Absolute/overall irrespective of weight category) will carry their scores forward to compete for the Prize Money and overall awards in the 2022 Armlifting World Super Series FINAL in Las Vegas Nevada December 16-17, 2022.
VIDEO OF TOP LIFTS: To accurately judge the events, video submission will need to be provided for lifts that are potential prize winners. A list of suggested weights to record will be provided. This is the athlete’s responsibility to record and provide the videos.
CERTIFICATES: Digital certificates will be provided for athletes in the top 10 in each weight class and top 3 will receive medals based on Stage l and ll.
CALIBRATED PLATES: Contest promoters are encouraged to use calibrated plates if possible.
LOADING PIN: Any brand of loading pin may be used provided it is 12”-15” high.